South Africa to Send Zimbabweans Home to Process Permits

  • Tatenda Gumbo

Zimbabweans in South Africa with temporary work and residence permits, have reason to worry about their stay there.

South Africa’s Home Affairs Minister, Malusi Gigaba, stated during an interview on the South African Broadcasting Corporation’s morning live program, that his country will soon require that Zimbabweans process expired work permits, from their home country.

Minister Gigaba said while it will not happen this year, at some point soon, Zimbabweans will definitely be sent home.

Gibaba said Pretoria’s continued provision of work permits will have adverse effects on the country’s socio-economic and political system.

An estimated 250,000 Zimbabweans have reportedly applied for permanent residence permits.

Zimbabweans living in South Africa said they were not aware of Pretoria’s plans to drop the dispensation project introduced four years ago, that allowed them to get their permits in country.

Many said they expect South Africa to assist in renewing or providing permanent residency for those who applied for work and related permits.

Paul Chimhosva, president of the Zimbabwe Migrants International, told Tatenda Gumbo of VOA’s Zimbabwe Service, that while they are not pleased with the news, they are at least glad that South Africa has articulated its plans.

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South Africa To End Issuing Permits To Zimbabweans