All Students to Write Examinations-Government

The government will extend loans to students who can’t afford examination fees to ensure that all will be able to sit for the exams next month.

The loans are expected to re-paid in monthly installments until January next year.

Students are expected to pay 10 US Dollars and 20 US Dollars per subject for Ordinary and Advanced level examinations.

Most students had failed to pay before deadline last month.

The arrangement allows students to sit for at least three A level subjects and five Ordinary level subjects.

Education Minister David Coltard announced last night that the exam registration deadline will be extended to October 16th, and the start of the exams will also be postponed, he said.

Minister of state Gorden Moyo said Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai emphasized last night that it is the unity government’s policy to ensure that all students can sit for exams.

More reports From VOA’s Studio 7 for Zimbabwe…