Pride Among Zimbabwe Cricket Fans As Flower Tapped to Lead England

Zimbabwean cricket lovers reacted with pride Wednesday to the news that former Zimbabwe wicket-keeper Andy Flower has been named head coach of England's cricket team.

Flower, 40, replaces Peter Moores, dismissed in January. Flower left the Zimbabwean squad in 2003 with teammate Henry Olonga after both wore black arm bands during the Cricket World Cup in South Africa to protest the policies of President Robert Mugabe.

Olonga told VOA he is confident Flower, 40, will excel in his new position.

Harare-based cricket commentator Brian Goredema told reporter Marvellous Mhlanga-Nyahuye of VOA's Studio 7 for Zimbabwe that fans within the country are overjoyed because the appointment reflects the level at which cricket is played in Zimbabwe.

More reports from VOA's Studio7 for Zimbabwe...