Funding Curtails Expansion of Anti-Cholera Efforts in Zimbabwe, Officials Say

As cholera continues to claim lives in Zimbabwe, some of those involved in the fight to end the epidemic say funding shortages are hampering efforts to scale up the response.

Hospital Doctors Association Chairman Amon Siveregi said that while an effective framework for fighting cholera is now in place, a lack of funds is preventing the expansion of those initiatives to battle an epidemic that is present in nearly all the country's districts.

The World Health Organization has reported 3,350 deaths from cholera as of Wednesday from 67,567 cases over the six months cholera has been afoot in the country.

For perspective on the situation reporter Marvellous Mhlanga-Nyahuye of VOA's Studio 7 for Zimbabwe turned to Dr. Siveregi and Farid Abdulkadir, head of operations in Zimbabwe for the International Red Cross. Dr. Siveregi said insufficient funding is thwarting cholera prevention and holding up treatment programs that could save lives.

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