Exiled Zimbabweans Call For Mugabe's Resignation

Members of the Movement for Democratic Change in North America are demanding that President Robert Mugabe resign over the fatal shooting of an opposition member this weekend and the alleged police beating of opposition leaders and supporters.

MDC supporters in South Africa, meanwhile, were expressing dissapointment at the tepid response to the latest turn in Zimbabwe's crisis by the Pretoria government. It issued a statement saying that it has "constantly maintained that the solutions to the problems of Zimbabwe will be resolved by the people of Zimbabwe.”

Former Zimbabwean parliamentarian Roy Bennett, treasurer for the Movement for Democratic Change faction of Morgan Tsvangirai, told Carole Gombakomba of VOA's Studio 7 for Zimbabwe that Mr. Mugabe is unlikely to step down if Southern African nations continue to accept South Africa's "quiet diplomacy" on Zimbabwe.

More reports from VOA's Studio 7 for Zimbabwe...