Zimbabwean Election Observer Applauds Neutrality Of U.S. Government

A number of Zimbabweans in the U.S. diaspora participated in the American midterm elections as observers, among them associate journalism professor Stanford Mukasa of Indiana University in Indiana, Pennsylvania.

Mukasa said he was most impressed by the neutral of the U.S. government as such in the elections despite pre-election indications that voter sentiment was running against the administration of Rebublican President George W. Bush. His party lost control of the U.S. House with control of the Senate still in the balance late Wednesday.

Despite reports of intimidation in Virginia, Mukasa told reporter Carole Gombakomba of VOA's Studio 7 for Zimbabwe that such incidents were insignificant compared with the intimidation of Zimbabwe opposition members in local or national balloting.

More reports from VOA'S Studio 7 for Zimbabwe...