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Zimbabweans Struggle to Raise Children in Various Nations

Many Zimbabweans say it is difficult to bring up children in the diaspora.
Many Zimbabweans say it is difficult to bring up children in the diaspora.

Millions of Zimbabweans struggle to raise children in various countries like Britain, United States, Australia, South Africa and other nations where they have become citizens or are economic and political refugees.

Most of them are failing to adjust to some localized ways of raising children, who face among other issues, peer pressure and parents’ so-called Africanized upbringing which has a load of cultural demands, including ways of relating and addressing family members, neighbours and other people.

It becomes more complicated in some nations where unfamiliar cultures like gay marriage start encroaching into their households. In some cases, children end up leaving their homes when parents protest over the sexual orientation of their children and some other unfamiliar cultures.

For perspective, we reached Duran Rapozo, a Zimbabwean living in Manchester, Britain, and Sakhile Dube Nair, another Zimbabwean living in Gaborone, Botswana.

Rapozo tells Studio 7 that lack of extended families to help in childcare and disciplining children has been one of the major challenges faced by his family and other Zimbabweans living in that country.

Interview With Duran Rapozo and Sakhile Dube Nair
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