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MDC Alliance to Feature Nelson Chamisa as Presidential Candidate

MDC Alliance principals present Chamisa as 2018 presidential candidate.
MDC Alliance principals present Chamisa as 2018 presidential candidate.

The Movement for Democratic Change Alliance says it will be fielding Nelson Chamisa in the forthcoming presidential election.

MDC-T Alliance spokesperson Professor Welshman Ncube said they believe that Chamisa will beat the ruling Zanu PF’s candidate, President Emmerson Mnangagwa, who was helped by the Zimbabwe Defence Forces to unseat long-time ruler Robert Mugabe.

“We believe that Chamisa is the best candidate for us,” said Professor Ncube, leader of the other MDC formation.

Reacting to his elevation to the post left vacant following the death of MDC-T leader Morgan Tsvangirai two weeks ago, Chamisa said: “I’m humbled about this and I thank God for leading us.”

Chamisa will be pitted against Mnangagwa and several other candidates in the presidential poll set to be held between July and August.

This will be the first time since 1980 for Mugabe not to participate in the election.