At least twenty vehicles belonging to the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe that were attached recently by the Sheriff’s Office were to be auctioned off in Harare on Friday to settle a US$2.1 million central bank debt.
Attorney Davison Kanokanga, representing Farmtech Spares and Implements, said seven public auctions have been scheduled this month and in April to cover the debt incurred when the RBZ failed to pay Farmtech for tractors supplied under the Farm Mechanization and Agricultural Support Enhancement Facility.
Kanokanga told VOA Studio 7 reporter Gibbs Dube that the movable goods attached by the Office of the Sheriff includes small farm carts and harrows.
The Sheriff’s Office has so far attached RBZ property including 52 vehicles, three tanker trucks, refrigerators, beds, washing machines, televisions and real estate in Harare, the Manicaland province capital of Mutare, and the northeastern resort town of Kariba.
The RBZ ordered 150 tractors from Farmtech to set up a government farm assistance scheme and received 60 worth US$2.1 million but never paid the bill.
The company finally sought and obtained a High Court order for RBZ property to be seized and sold off.
Sheriff's Office to Auction Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe Property to Settle US$2.1 Million Debt
- Gibbs Dube

The Zimbabwean Sheriff’s Office has attached Reserve Bank property including 52 vehicles, three tanker trucks, refrigerators, beds, washing machines, televisions and real estate in Harare and two provincial towns