Zimbabwe has been ranked 100 out of 102 countries in the 2015 World Justice Project (WJP) rule of law index.
Zimbabwe ranked a few notches above war-torn Afghanistan and socialist nation, Venezuela, while Denmark, Norway and Sweden were the top three nations said to be adhering to the tenents of the rule of law.
The WJP, which releases the annual index, bases its rankings on experiences and perceptions of the general public and in-country experts worldwide about prevailing situations in various nations.
The organization says effective rule of law reduces corruption, combats poverty and diseases and protects people from injustices.
Human rights lawyer, Dewa Mavhinga, told VOA Studio 7 that Zimbabwe’s low ranking is not surprising.
Reacting to the country’s ranking by the WJP, former Zanu-PF legislator Bright Matonga says the ranking index is another move to smear Zimbabwe’s image.