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Zimbabwe Prime Minister Tsvangirai Questions Quality of Senate Debate

Attending the Senate for the first time since the unity government was formed in February 2009, Mr. Tsvangirai said he was surprised several motions were adjourned as there was much to debate

Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai has expressed concern over the quality of debate in the Senate following the adjournment without debate on seven of eight motions awaiting action.

Attending the Senate for the first time since the unity government was formed in February 2009, Mr. Tsvangirai said he was surprised the motions were adjourned as there was much to debate. He said issues should be debated thoroughly before adjournment.

Chisipite Senator and Deputy Justice and Legal Affairs Minister Obert Gutu told reporter Jonga Kandemiiri he agreed with Mr. Tsvangirai, saying that the current crop of senators lacks enthusiasm to engage in substantive debate in the upper chamber.

But Believe Gaule, Tsholotsho senator for the Movement for Democratic Change wing led by Industry Minister Welshman Ncube, told Sithandekile Mhlanga that the prime minister was mistaken because senators had already debated the motions in question.

The creation of the Zimbabwean Senate in 2005 contributed to the breakup of the MDC into two main rival formations, the larger one led by Mr. Tsvangirai. He was adamantly opposed to MDC participation in the November 2005 election of the new Senate.