Fifteen of Zimbabwe’s opposition political parties are expected to sign an electoral reform agreement document in Harare in Harare on Wednesday.
Spokesman Obert Gutu of the Movement for Democratic Change led by Morgan Tsvangiria tells VOA Studio 7 they are pushing for reforms which all the parties have been demanding before the holding of the 2018 national elections.
Some of the opposition parties, including two of Zimbabwe’s new political parties, the Renewal Democrats of Zimbabwe and the People’s Democratic Party, both off-shoots of the main MDC, boycotted the process.
The signing ceremony will be held at the Anglican Cathedral in Harare.
The National Constitutional Assembly, another new outfit, says it had also pulled out of the process due to disagreements over the way the document was written.
“We did not agree with the way the document was written, we thought it was too confrontational,” says NCA spokesman Madock Chivasa.
On the pulling out of the NCA from the arrangement, Gutu says they are naturally disappointed.
“But negotiations are on-going, as you know a journey of a thousand miles obviously has to start by a mere one step,” says Guto.
He adds that this was a very significant and historic step.