[8/26, 4:44 AM (EST), (10:44 - GMT)]; Police use water cannons to disperse protestors near the Sheraton Hotel
[8/26, 5:06 AM]: Protestors barricade roads with stones
[8/26, 5:19 AM]: Police fire gunshots in the air
[8/26, 6:26 AM]: Mwonzora confirms court has given them the go-ahead
[8/26, 6:28 AM]: Police firing teargas despite court order
[8/26, 6:28 AM]: People who were regrouping running away
[8/26, 6:54 AM]: Zimbabwe People First lawyer Gift Nyandoro shows the police the court order
[8/26, 6:55 AM]: Police refuse to receive it and order him to take it to their offices
[8/26, 6:56 AM]: MDC spokesman Obert Gutu says the security situation in Zimbabwe must be tabled at the next Sadc Summit in Mbabane Swaziland
[8/26, 6:57 AM]: Nyandoro says they are going to file another court application
[8/26, 7:00 AM]: Some activists now regrouping in batches around the venue
[8/26, 7:02 AM]: Police intensify firing teargas
[8/26, 7:02 AM]: People attending the Agricultural Show leaving
[8/26, 7:03 AM]: Entire venue now in smoke
[8/26, 7:04 AM]: Prisoners who were coming for court sessions have been returned to jails
[8/26, 7:29 AM]: Protestors burning tyres
[8/26, 7:32 AM]: All shops closed
[8/26, 8:56 AM]: Nigerian embassy windows shattered
[8/26, 8:58 AM]: Protestors put spikes on roads
[8/26, 9:09 AM]: Some anti-riot cops have camped at Zanu PF headquarters
[8/26, 9:10 AM]: Some people being beaten at Zanu PF headquarters
[8/26, 9:31 AM]: Gunshots all over the cbd