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MDC Alliance Writes Protest Letter to U.N. Over Envoy Alena Douhan's Sanctions Report Excluding Opposition Party's Views

Alena Douhan
Alena Douhan

Ntungamili Nkomo

The opposition Movement for Democratic Change Alliance says it has written a letter of complaint to the U.N. headquarters over what the party is calling “biased and deliberate dishonesty” by the world body’s sanctions envoy Alena Douhan, who released a report yesterday calling for the United States and Britain to remove their sanctions targeting Zanu PF elites.

Party vice president, Tendai Biti, told a news conference in Harare today that Douhan had not included their submissions in her report.

Consultations between the party and Douhan were held under a “toxic, adversarial environment” while the envoy was “very defensive and obstructive,” Biti said.

Douhan was unavailable for comment.

Meanwhile, the U.S. insisted today that poor governance and not sanctions, is behind Zimbabwe’s economic decay.