Movement for Democratic Change founding president Morgan Tsvangirai tells Zimbabweans to engage in mass action due to the current crippling socio-economic situation in the country.
Zapu leader Dumiso Dabengwa says the President Robert Mugabe’s Zanu PF government should swallow its pride and agree that it has failed and call other political players and stakeholders to seek solutions to the country’s continuing problems.
Don’t miss our series of stories looking at how ordinary people are surviving in these harsh economic times. Patricia Mudadigwa today speaks with workers who continue to trek to work daily even when they are not being paid.
And Highlanders Football Club have finally fired coach Bongani Mafu replacing him with former Bosso player and coach, Cosmas ‘Tsano’ Zulu.
Stay tuned for these stories and more coming up on Studio 7 at 7:30 pm and please do check us out on Facebook. We are also on WhatsApp and Twitter. Today our Livetalk discussion focuses on the high prevalence of HIV among commercial sex workers in Zimbabwe. Stay tuned!!!!!!