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MDC Villagers Not Accessing Presidential Farming Inputs

Maize seed
Maize seed
Communal farmers say members of the two formations of the Movement for Democratic Change are being denied farm inputs being distributed under the $20 million Presidential Well-Wishers Special Agricultural Inputs Scheme launched recently by President Robert Mugabe.

Some farmers in Mashonaland East and Matabeleland North provinces said Zanu PF leaders are only giving the inputs to card carrying party members.

They told VOA Studio 7 that the farming input packages, inscribed with President Mugabe’s pictures, are being used as a campaign tool for the next crucial polls expected next year.

Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai claims that the president diverted diamond revenues from Manicaland to finance this scheme.

But the president’s office has dismissed his remarks saying the premier has failed to source such inputs for Zimbabweans.

Obvious Benhura of Chikomba District, Mashonaland East, said Mr. Mugabe’s farming input scheme is a disaster. “It is only benefiting Zanu PF supporters at the expense of other people.”

Only poor Zimbabwean households are expected to receive free farming inputs this year. The country’s A2 commercial farmers are set to access state-sanctioned agricultural loans through Agribank.

The Grain Marketing Board farm input scheme was looted last year by some people who were believed to be linked to Zanu PF.