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Zimbabwe Constitutional Committee Probes Reported Intimidation in Public Meetings

Sources in Chinhoyi said state security agents on motorbikes and in cars without number plates are going from meeting to meeting, dominating discussions and taking notes of comments by members of the public

Reports continue to emerge from Zimbabwe's constitutional revision outreach process that alleged state security agents are intimidating members of the public and monopolizing meetings intended to solicit comment from Zimbabweans as to what they would like to see in the country's new basic document, especially in Mashonaland West province.

Sources in the provincial capital of Chinhoyi said state agents on motorbikes and in cars without number plates are going from meeting to meeting, dominating discussions and taking notes of comments by members of the public.

Co-Chairman Douglas Mwonzora of the parliamentary select committee in charge of constitutional revision says his panel has noted the complaints and has been investigating. He declined to report findings to date.

The Zimbabwe Human Rights Association said intimidation by suspected agents of the Central Intelligence Organization is not restricted to Mashonaland West, and has contributed to low turnout and public apathy about the process.

ZimRights Program Officer Olivia Gumbo told VOA Studio 7 reporter Patience Rusere that Zimbabweans generally seem interested in the process, noting a high rate of participation in meetings organization by civic groups.