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Zambia’s Health Minister Visits Site of Viral Video of Rats in Hospital Ward 

FILE - A public health worker for the municipality of Caxias takes a close-up view of a rat as it sits on a scale in this city north of Rio de Janeiro.
FILE - A public health worker for the municipality of Caxias takes a close-up view of a rat as it sits on a scale in this city north of Rio de Janeiro.

A viral video of rats running freely through a patient ward in a Zambian hospital has resulted in the country’s health minister making an unannounced visit to the facility.

Dr. Chitalu Chilufya said the gross negligence at Kitwe Central Hospital was unacceptable and called for disciplinary action to be taken against hospital management.

“We will not expect anything less than high quality health services in clean environments,” he said.

The minister said money from the government had recently been released to the hospital “to fix some infrastructure challenges,” according to the Lusaka Times.