Members of Zimbabwe's National Constitutional Assembly were to meet for three days beginning Saturday to develop a strategy in opposition to the parliamentary-led constitutional revision process currently unfolding.
NCA spokesman Maddock Chivasa said the group's leaders and members plan to review the many problems that have beset the revision process, especially during the public outreach phase launched in mid-June.
Chivasa told VOA Studio 7 reporter Patience Rusere that the group’s campaign, entitled “Take Charge," will continue to expose what the group describes as a fraudulent political process.
In Binga, Matabeleland North, meanwhile, residents complained that the talking points for outreach meetings are in Ndebele - but most local residents speak the Nambiya or Tonga indigenous languages.
Zimbabwe Human Rights Association Program Officer Olivia Gumbo said the language barrier has also resulted in low turnouts because outreach advertisements are in Ndebele.
The outreach process in the eastern province of Manicaland ran into trouble early this week when drivers briefly went on strike out of frustration at pay delays and confusion over rates, as correspondent Loirdham Moyo reported.