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Harare's Mbare Rocked by Violence as Zanu PF Youths Attack MDC Vehicle

Thomas Chiripasi reported from Harare that Mbare legislator Piniel Denga warned Tuesday that there could be more trouble in his constituency and others as the constitutional referendum and national elections approach following an attack on a Movement for Democratic Change vehicle in the high-density suburb earlier Tuesday, allegedly by Zanu PF activists.

Political analyst Brilliant Mhlanga told Studio 7 for Zimbabwe reporter Ntungamili Nkomo that Tuesday’s disturbances bode ill for those opposed to Zanu PF ahead of the general elections.

Parliamentary and Constitutional Affairs Mminister Eric Matinenga said he will not be rushed into producing a constitution that is not all it should be simply because some want to hold elections this year.

Matinenga, a member of the Movement for Democratic Change formation of Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai, said there’s no way the country can short-cut crafting a new constitution purely for electoral reasons.

Matinenga told reporter Jonga Kandemiiri that work on the constitution resumes next week.