The Harare Residents Trust says it will engage lawyers to defend residents who are being threatened with legal action by the city for allegedly defaulting on bill payments.
The cash strapped council says residents, businesses, government and other metropolitan towns such as Chitungwiza and Norton, owe over $104 million.
The city is claiming that some residents have defaulted for almost a year now.
City spokesperson Leslie Gwindi says council has been issuing letters of final demand to defaulters, with some cases already being referred to lawyers for appropriate action.
The city bills $24 million every month but is only collecting an average $11 million.
Harare mayor Bernard Manyenyeni told Studio 7 the local authority is failing to provide better services due to cash-flow problems resulting from residents’ failure to pay their bills.
But Harare Residents Trust director Precious Shumba says corruption in the city is to blame
The chairman of the Combined Harare Residents Association, Simbarashe Moyo, urged residents to pay.
The cash strapped council says residents, businesses, government and other metropolitan towns such as Chitungwiza and Norton, owe over $104 million.
The city is claiming that some residents have defaulted for almost a year now.
City spokesperson Leslie Gwindi says council has been issuing letters of final demand to defaulters, with some cases already being referred to lawyers for appropriate action.
The city bills $24 million every month but is only collecting an average $11 million.
Harare mayor Bernard Manyenyeni told Studio 7 the local authority is failing to provide better services due to cash-flow problems resulting from residents’ failure to pay their bills.
But Harare Residents Trust director Precious Shumba says corruption in the city is to blame
The chairman of the Combined Harare Residents Association, Simbarashe Moyo, urged residents to pay.