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Fired NRZ Workers File Court Application for Payment of Salary Arrears

FILE: NRZ workers recently staged peaceful protests in Zimbabwe's second largest city, Bulawayo.
FILE: NRZ workers recently staged peaceful protests in Zimbabwe's second largest city, Bulawayo.

As job losses continue to mount in the country, disgruntled dismissed National Railways of Zimbabwe (NRZ) workers have approached the High Court for assistance to compel the company to pay them their outstanding salaries and retrenchment packages.

Kamurai Moyo, president of the Zimbabwe Amalgamated Railways Workers’ Union, told VOA Studio 7 some of the fired employees had worked for the company for more than 40 years while others had not been paid for more than 10 months before they were sacked.

Moyo said the company should reinstate the fired workers if it cannot compensate them.

The NRZ fired more than 500 workers after the July 17th Supreme Court ruling allowing employers to fire workers on three months’ notice.

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