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Death of Andy Brown's Daughter, Chiedza, Devastates Family

The late musician Andy Brown's daughter, Chiedza, died in USA on Saturday.
The late musician Andy Brown's daughter, Chiedza, died in USA on Saturday.

The family of Chiedza Brown, the 15-year old daughter of the late musicians, Andy Brown and Chiwoniso Maraire, who died Saturday in Texas in the United States, says it has been devastated by her death.

In an interview with Studio 7, Chiedza’s aunt, Sandrie Mashiringo, told Studio 7, “Chiedza was a peaceful soul, that’s what I can say. Everyone loved her. She is one of Brown’s children who was so soft to everyone. She loved music, she loved everybody.

“I don’t know why good people have to leave so early. I believe it’s God’s time, we cannot do anything. She had saved her purpose on earth, that’s what I can say right now.”

Interview with Sandra Mashiringo On the Death of Chiedza Brown...
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Facebook statement from her sister, Chengeto, requesting privacy for the Maraire and Brown families, did not explain the cause of the death though there has been a lot speculation on social media as to what could have killed her.