With presidential, parliamentary and local elections less than two weeks off, parties and candidates in Zimbabwe are trying to build and sustain campaign momentum.
The formation of the opposition Movement for Democratic Change headed by Morgan Tsvangirai said it has scheduled rallies in Mashonaland East and West and plans to hold a so-called star rally in the capital on March 23 to introduce candidates.
Spokesman Gabriel Chaibva of the MDC faction led by Arthur Mutambara, which has aligned itself with independent presidential candidate Simba Makoni, said he could not elaborate on coming events. VOA was unable to reach officials of either the Makoni campaign or the ruling party due to mobile phone network problems.
Organizing Secretary Elias Mudzuri of the Tsvangirai grouping told reporter Jonga Kandemiiri that the party seeks a new venue for its March 23 rally as it was informed that the ruling party had booked its intended location, the Zimbabwe Grounds.