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Late President Banana's Son: Zimbabwe State House an Executive Prison

Members of the Banana family in a recent photo at home. (Photo: Nathan Sipho Banana)
Members of the Banana family in a recent photo at home. (Photo: Nathan Sipho Banana)

A son of Zimbabwe’s first post-independence president, Cannan Sodindo Banana, tells Studio 7 in an exclusive interview life was hard at State House, which he believes was literally an executive prison.

Forty-eight year old Nathan Sipho Banana says it took at least two weeks for him and his siblings to be cleared by security to visit friends and engage in various social activities.

Apart from that, he says life was tough after staying at the presidential mansion when they left with a heavy burden of their father’s sodomy conviction.

The late Banana severed eight months of a 10-year sentence in one of Zimbabwe’s prisons.

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More details tonight on VOA Studio 7.